Root canal Treatment

Tooth Pain is rated among one of the most serious pains human can experience in his life time.
Most of the patients visits dental clinic with severe dental pain, swelling in the teeth region, tooth swelling, Gums swelling.
We at INVODENT understand our patient’s teeth pain and also the fear towards dental treatment. Our primary goal is to reduce patient teeth pain/dental pain in a completely safe and comfortable environment, which makes INVODENT Best dental clinic in Vizag.
Experienced & Best dentists are now at your place in siripuram, Visakhapatnam

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What is Root Canal Treatment (RCT)?

Deep inside every tooth is filled with nerves and blood vessels called Pulp of the tooth, which is protected by 2 outer layers called Enamel and dentine, due to bacterial infection called caries the two outer protective layers are lost and the deepest layer pulp of the tooth is exposed out which results in severe pain due to exposure of teeth nerves. Removing this bacterial infection from deeper layers of tooth is known as Root canal treatment.

RCT will be done Using Apex locator

When we are treating deep layers of decayed tooth, the complete length of the tooth should be cleaned and disinfected till the apex of teeth, so APEX LOCATORS are advanced devices which will enable dentists to locate exact apex of each tooth, so complete bacterial removal of full tooth length till apex is assured.

RCT will be done under RUBBER DAM isolation

Root canal treatment must be done under strict sterilisation and clean environment, teeth which are undergoing Root canal treatment should not get contaminated with oral fluids like saliva, contamination will lead to failure of treatment, and hence Rubber dam is a sheet with isolates teeth under RCT procedure which results in clean working space during RCT thereby giving a successful RCT.

RCT will be performed by MDS specialist.

Always a specialist performs Best RCT in any decayed teeth and we assure our patient successful treatments as they get there RCT from experienced root canal specialists.

Do you want to know more about root canal treatment

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Severe tooth pain/ dental pain
2. Swelling in the tooth region
3. Deep bacterial infection
4. Severely decayed tooth

Root canal treatment is always performed under Local anaesthesia, which numbs the teeth completely and there is no pain felt when anaesthesia is given.

In cases where teeth are severely destroyed with decay, you need a crown/ cap to get the shape of original teeth.

The bacterial infection in the tooth will spread to surrounding and underlying bone which will result serious bone infections and severe pain in the respective region.

Treatment fee ranges from 5,000/-, it depends on complexity, infection of the treatment.